Nevada C.O. Lodge 21
We've got your back.
Join FOP Nevada C.O. Lodge 21 by clicking on the membership page above.
Who we are:
Nevada C.O. Lodge 21
Since 2008, We have been assisting and representing officers independently with Letters of Instruction(LOI), Letters of Reprimand(LOR), Performance Cards, and On the Job Trainings(OJT). Our team has been with you through resolution hearings, Employee Management Committee(EMC) hearings, arbitration hearings, Employee Management Relations Board(EMRB) hearings, and Personnel hearings.
We have been the "go to" team to assist and represent our fellow brothers and sisters in their time of need. We will be there for you. We have delivered the largest raises in the history of the NDOC and DPBH in our CBA.
Representation for officers by the officers who have the knowledge and experience to back you up.
We are the largest FOP Lodge in Nevada and the second largest law enforcement union in Nevada.
We are truly the voice of Corrections in Nevada.
PO Box 336254
North Las Vegas, NV 89033-6254

Know your rights, FOP Nevada C.O. Lodge 21 does.
From our attorney:
"What To Do If Approached By A Member Of The Office of Inspector General or Attorney General"
The Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) investigates two (2) types of cases. The first type are administrative investigations into allegations of misconduct or other violations of Department Rules. The second type are criminal investigations. When approached by an OIG investigator who wishes to speak with you, the OIG investigator may not always clearly indicate what type of investigation is occurring. It is important that you know your rights when confronted by an OIG investigator.
An OIG investigator should not be seeking to question you in an administrative investigation without complying with the Peace Officers Bill of Rights which requires 48 hours written notice and notification that you have a right to two (2) representatives of your own choosing. If you are approached by an OIG investigator for questioning without this occurring, more likely than not it is a criminal investigation.
You do not have a right to a union representative in connection with a criminal investigation. However, you are also not obligated to speak with an OIG or Attorney General(AG) investigator in connection with a criminal investigation. When approached by an OIG or AG investigator, if you are unsure as to the nature of the investigation should ask "Is this a criminal investigation?" If the OIG or AG investigator answers "Yes", you have the right to tell the OIG or AG Investigator "I do not wish to speak with you".
You have the right to an attorney in connection with any criminal investigation. If the OIG or AG investigator persists in seeking to question you after you inform the OIG or AG investigator that you do not wish to speak, you should tell the OIG or AG investigator "I do not wish to speak with you without an attorney present". If the OIG or AG investigator asks "Why do you believe you need an attorney?", You should respond "Because it is my right and I am exercising it.”
Make sure you know your rights. You have no obligation to speak to an OIG or AG investigator in connection with a criminal matter. If it is an administrative matter, you will receive 48 hours’ notice and be informed that you have a right to have a representative.