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Collective Bargaining survey

Brothers and Sisters the time has come for our members to give input on what will be negotiated in the bargaining unit I

(officers/forensic specialists) CBA. All members will receive an email containing a survey. This survey is for members only. Do not forward it to anyone. We will send it to your personal email that you provided upon signing up for FOP. If you do not receive it right away, be patient as it will be sent to our almost 1100 members over the next couple days. If you do not receive it over the next 2 days, you did not provide us with an accurate email address and you should reach out to our Secretary, Brother Prater.

This is just the first step in gathering your input as to what you want changed or what you want to see added to the CBA. Keep in mind there are mandatory subjects of bargaining and we must stay within those subjects listed in NRS 288 for state employees. Once we compile all of this information, we will have multiple bargaining meetings in September for members only to advocate for their suggested changes. Their will likely be a couple hot button issues that require a vote. This is your time to make your voice heard, so don’t miss your chance. We depend on all of you to speak for yourselves and let us know what the membership wants us to do. We serve you and if you do not participate, you only have yourself to blame. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey and be in the lookout for the meeting schedule for September. Be safe and take care of each other.

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