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HDSP safety and 12’s talk


From our VP, Brother Thompson:

The Director gave us some legitimate sounding reasons for staying away from the 12s – also he would need them legislatively approved past an emergency period.


He did, initially, express interest in the yard gun rail having shotguns with rubber bullets, but quickly went to the flash bangs with OC, which he said he thought we were already using because Ely is.


Director Dzurenda added that we should be using the high velocity pepper balls in the units like Ely is – they love it up there and swear by it. Bean said we already have up to four of those guns. Bean added that we also have flash bangs in stock.


Dzurenda added that all staff should at least fire one flash bang and was adamant that it should be done quickly.  Most of his arguments about one floor CO in level 2 units ran along company lines.

This is progress Brothers and Sisters! FOP is voicing your concerns and you are being heard! We have several ESP Officers that have said the pepper ball launchers work. In a deadly force situation, firing these rounds to the face, will stop the inmates. This is in fact what stopped the attackers in the most recent murder.

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Ashley Prevost
Ashley Prevost
Sep 17, 2023

NDOC was on 12's when I first started, so it is absolutely possible. I believe if we as officers are in favor of anything that will make us better or happier the administration is automatically against it. If people want to stay on eight hour shifts there can be 8 hour posts implemented, they don't want to make the effort. I guess mandating people for sixteen hour shifts multiple days a week is less exhausting than working a twelve hour shift. Make it make sense.


Josh Dison
Sep 17, 2023

2 days off a week is not enough. Burn out is real and a 3-4 day off would be a nice reset each week


Ward, S.
Sep 15, 2023

What I don't get is how is it that every agency that do what we do can make 12 hour shifts or even 10 hour shifts work but this dept. can't make a hybrid 12 and 8 hour shift work? Every agency is facing the same staffing shortages as we are, but yet, yield different (better) results, Every time we have this conversation about 12's it's a different excuse from admin. In the mean time we continue losing officers to other agencies as they open up testing, and the call off rate is out of control due to burnout, and that's with a raise. but I will applaud the Unions effort to engage this conversation on behalf of staff, I…

Sep 15, 2023
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Well said brother, but don’t throw in the towel yet. We are looking at the DD issuing a full survey of all staff at SDCC and HDSP. That way we will get a true number who support or don’t support twelves. If their is a substantial majority that want twelves, we will do everything we can to make it happen. However, on the flip side, if staff do not want twelves in the high percentages, you have to look at your fellow staff members as to why they don’t want it. I have a working theory that if we can get all of HDSP ON 12’s and SDCC can be for 8’s, then we have a legit chance to make…


Sep 15, 2023

So, from what you're saying, no 12's anytime soon...

Sep 15, 2023
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I’m telling you what was discussed and you should also consider that the small sample size, taken entirely by FOP Representatives, of about a third of the officers at HDSP, only 68% said they wanted 12’s. There will be a survey issued by the state to determine if enough people want twelves to justify them at HDSP. It is vital that everyone takes the survey when it comes out, so that we can get the best information possible to give you all the shifts you want.

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