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Holiday pay for July 4th

The following is how the state is going to make sure you are compensated at double time and a half for all hours worked on a holiday. It is how you are to code your time sheet for the fourth. They will develop a special code for holiday moving forward. For now, this is how you code your time sheet.

Base hours already given as exception reporters. 8/10/12 hours PHPRM 13(1.0)

4/5/6 hours PDOH (½ of 8=4) (½ of 10=5)( ½ of 12=6)for normal shift work(.50)

8/10/12 PSD if applicable PSD shift

Base hours 8's. 10's. 12's

PHPRM(13) 8 10 12

PDOH 4 5 6

PSD (If applicable)

8/10/12-hour exception reporting employee who works normal shift and 4 hours OT on the holiday:

Base hours already given as exception reporters.

8/10/12 hours PHPRM 13 (1.0)

4/5/6 hours PDOH (½ of 8=4) (½ of 10=5)( ½ of 12=6)for normal shift work(.50)

4 POT (Rsn Cd)/ 4 PDOH

8/10/12 PSD if applicable PSD shift

4 PSDOT if POT is on applicable shift.

Total PDOH is 8/9/10 hours.

Base hours 8's 10's. 12's

PHPRM(13) 8 10 12

PDOH 4 5 6

POT 4 4. 4

PDOH 4 4 4


8/10/12-hour exception reporting employee who works normal shift and 8 hours OT on the holiday:

Base hours already given as exception reporters.

8/10/12 hours PHPRM 13 (1.0)

4/5/6 hours PDOH (½ of 8=4) (½ of 10=5)( ½ of 12=6)for normal shift work(.50)

8POT (Rsn Cd) /8PDOH

8/10/12 PSD if applicable PSD shift

8/10/12 PSDOT if POT is on applicable shift.

Total PDOH is 12/13/14 hours.

Base hours

8's 10's. 12's

PHPRM(13) 8 10 12

PDOH 4 5 6

POT. 8 8 8

PDOH 8 8 8


day off and officer comes in to work the holiday

first shift worked

8's. 10's. 12's

PDOH 8. 10 12

POT 8 10 12

works a second shift on day off

PDOH 8 6 4

POT 8 6 4


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Michael To
Sep 11, 2023

I have a Stein example for you. Let's say your shift is Swings (1500-2300 hrs) and you stayed over on Graves (2300-0700 hrs). Would all those hours be counted as Holiday Pay or only 9 hours will be counted as Holiday Pay?

Sep 11, 2023
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If the swing shift was on in the holiday and the graveyard shift started on the holiday, but ended on the day after, the. 9 hours would be compensated at double time and a half, the other 7 hours would be overtime.


Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose
Jul 11, 2023

What doesn't make sense to me is if the holiday is your normal work day you get extra holiday pay for your overtime hours. But if the holiday falls on your day off and you come in and work you do not get any extra holiday pay for your overtime like the cba says you should. All you get for coming in on the holiday is overtime which you would get any other day. No incentive to come in on a holiday anymore.

Jul 11, 2023
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No, when you add pdoh and overtime it equals double time and a half.


Jul 11, 2023

That makes absolutely no sense to do PDOH for a holiday if you come in and work the holiday. If you are working regardless if it’s your RDO it is no longer a day off (PDOH). Also there is a retirement benefit for working the holidays and you would lose that with PDOH. Was all this agreed to during the contract negotiations, or was this done as an afterthought? I hope this isn’t final and this can still be addressed.

Jul 11, 2023
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Thank you for clarifying that! I appreciate all that you do for us lunk!


Jul 11, 2023

So if you work on your day off on a holiday you're not getting time and a half for holiday??? Because the way it is written, the only time and a half you're getting is for the overtime hours you're doing... which you can get in any other day...

Jul 11, 2023
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You can, but you won’t be compensated double time and a half on any other day. When you add them together, that’s what you get. If you work a double the second shift is 8 hrs pdoh and 8 hrs POT. Or you can just enjoy your day off…


Jul 11, 2023

Holiday coding seems easy enough to figure out. I’m guessing they are still working out the coding for assignment pay and what hour shift differential starts. If you have to have a certain number of qualifying hours after 1 PM to get shift differential OR if its all hours after 1 PM. You used to have to work 4 qualifying hours for shift differential before they’d let you claim it. The NEATS help link doesn’t work.

Some have told me it is PFTO for firearms instructor, but not sure if that is the same event code for all special assignment positions like main control or central trans.

Jul 11, 2023
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None of the special assignment codes are done yet. Swing shift, graveyard, and night shift on 12’s get shift diff. Plain language of the contract. There are no qualifying hours. Swing shift gets 8 hours shift diff every day.

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