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It’s finally here!

You have all been asking for it, so we have the CBA posted on our website on a new page titled CBA. When you click on more, under the homepage menu, you will see CBA. On that page is the document you've all been waiting for. The Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Please keep in mind we just received this and the NDOC is just now getting this as well. There may be some elements of the CBA that do not happen immediately. There will definitely be some growing pains. We will work with the administration to get all items worked into policy and procedure. Please be patient with admin and FOP. This was a lot of work and we are proud of what we have been able to accomplish. We hope you all enjoy the full scope of our very first contract as your union.

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8 commentaires

Trooper Jones
30 juin 2023

Awesome! I do have a question, I know I originally heard that we would be receiving a 23% increase(payraise) but I only see 8%?

01 juil. 2023
En réponse à

Well good luck figuring it out.


A Mac
30 juin 2023

Any word on the "Proof Status" issue and how it should or will affect Voluntary Overtime?

30 juin 2023
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It is outlined in the contract when they can ask you for a dr note. Only after 3 consecutive days or if you have a non industrial injury, ie you break your arm.

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