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Priority!!! Calling all Brothers and Sisters

On April 11th, 2024 at 9 am, there will be an IFC meeting at the Grant Sawyer Building in Las Vegas. At this meeting the NDOC and FOP will be collaborating to illustrate for the IFC just how important it is to build a peer support program for our officers/staff. What we are trying to build will take money and a bunch of committed staff to go through intensive training. We are trying to convince the IFC to give the NDOC $450,000 in order to build a successful peer support program that will be there whenever an officer/staff needs help with their mental wellness.

There will be public comment, limited to two minutes each. I will be there in person to give my comments. I am asking each and every member, officer, and family member who is able to attend, to show up. Wear your FOP gear, share your support during public comment, and let's make our voices heard!!! Put it on your calendar and let's show the IFC how strong our voice is! Even just standing there as a show of support will make headlines. I will reach out to my media sources to amplify our voice to the legislators and the Governors office.

We will make it clear that "We are NOT OK!" We do a job that most people can't. The evil, traumatic experiences we have to deal with leave a debilitating mark on our souls. There are ways to cope, but it takes work. It also requires trust, which is not easily achieved with officers. Peer Support is the most utilized voluntary program according to officers nationwide. Help us show Nevada that we are ready to lead the way in officer wellness.

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