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Retention Payments!!!

Updated: Dec 8, 2023

I am very happy to tell you all that the state has resolved the retention payment issue in our favor! Bargaining unit I will be getting the $500 quarterly payments, as negotiated. The make up payment from October will come with your February payment. FOP was happy to fight for this for our members and the entire bargaining unit!! See the email below from the Labor Relations Unit.

Dear Union Partners,


On the October 26, 2023 paycheck, State of Nevada employees were paid the first Retention Incentive of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) according to Assembly Bill 522 (2023), Section 30. Due to questions regarding appropriations in AB 522 (2023) and Senate Bill 510 (2023), employees covered under the CBAs were paid two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).  The State has now been able to verify that a total of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per fiscal year for Retention Incentives was appropriated between the two bills for employees covered under the CBAs.


On the February 2, 2024 paycheck, employees covered under the CBAs will receive the negotiated Retention Incentive of five hundred dollars ($500.00) and the remaining two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) from the October 2023 Retention Incentive.


Going forward and through the end of the contract term, as negotiated, employees covered under the CBAs will receive Retention Incentives of five hundred dollars ($500.00) quarterly.  A similar notification will be sent to Departments/Divisions next week.


Please contact the Labor Relations Unit (LRU) if you have any questions regarding this notification.




Matthew R. Lee

Supervisory Personnel Analyst 

Division of Human Resource Management 

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Dec 21, 2023

Do you know what happened to the Longevity payment that we were supposed to get on December 15th?

Dec 21, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for clearing that up and my apology for assuming. I appreciate you all.


Dec 09, 2023

Awesome news, thank you for all your tireless work.


Dec 09, 2023

Thank you. This is indeed a great blessing. FOP for life. Thank you for all you do for us.


Dec 08, 2023

Good news!


Dec 08, 2023

That's wassup! Thanks for staying in the fight and we'll take the W!!!

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