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Supervisors meeting

Good morning FOP Supervisors! I am happy to communicate the first of what will be several meetings to discuss your input on the very first Collective Bargaining Agreement for Supervisors. The Supervisors Committee, headed by Brother Ashcraft, has been hard at work tinkering with the current officers contract in order to tailor it for supervisors. This is your chance to participate in the process by contributing input that will shape the contract moving forward. Don't be like the many naysayers who complain about specific provisions in the CBA after it is finalized. Now is the time to make your voice heard. Keep in mind FOP serves its membership, but we cannot do that without your participation. Big thank you to Brothers Ashcraft, Rivera, Dibari, Bashor, and O'Dea for their hard work so far in acting on supervisors behalf in order to further the efforts of FOP to get supervisors a contract they deserve! Hope to see you all there! An email was also sent out, but due to some bad email addresses, or no email address at all, you all may not have received the message. The zoom invite is below for the meeting which will be this Sunday, November 12th, at 1 pm Pacific Time.

Paul Lunkwitz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Paul Lunkwitz's Zoom Meeting

Time: Nov 12, 2023 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 8492 7553

Passcode: 862522


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Meeting ID: 812 8492 7553

Passcode: 862522

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