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HDSP Warden's Meet and Confer 9/23/



This program will be NDOC wide. FTO's will be SC/O's who are assigned to train all levels of staff. Training will be done at the institutions and all FTO's will be trained in Basic Instructor Development as soon as possible. This program is still in development and the details will be ironed out soon.

EMRB complaint filed by AFSCME-

Warden is aware of the complaint related to meet and confer meetings. The department policy is to allow all employee organizations to attend and participate. The AFSCME representatives who were present when this meeting started chose to leave again. They believe that only AFSCME representatives should be allowed to attend and participate due to their designation as the collective bargaining representative. This is troubling in our opinion because they refuse to participate, thus not actually representing officers.

Pre Range practice-

The practice program is returning for officers to practice range prior to qualification. AWO Bean said the range will be opened up for two months in order to give officers an opportunity to train. The course of fire is likely to change in order to be more appropriate for Corrections. The course of fire is not yet determined. They are also going to refurbish the range improving the existing facilities in the South and the North.

FAMS and use of force-

There have been incidents involving FAMs where uncertainty existed as to what they can do and what they cannot. Warden Johnson stated that he fully expects FAMs to respond and use force in those incidents. We expressed the they do not receive any use of force training prior to being utilized on the yard. He agreed that this is problematic and vowed to institute a basic course for the FAMs from now on.

Increasing communication to staff-

Communication issues were addressed. Warden Johnson and AWO Bean like the idea of instituting a mandatory shift synopsis by supervisors each shift. This would give staff the ability to review a mass email describing what occurred on the previous shift. The synopsis would include incidents and overall information to keep staff up to speed. There is also a policy, regarding tagging the doors of inmates in segregation, which is almost finished. The tags on the doors will notify officers of inmates who are staff assaultive or propelling inmates. The "3 man hold" tags will indicate staff assaultive inmates and the requirement of 2 officers and a SGT or above in order to open the door. The "propel/use shield" tag will indicate that the inmate propels and a shield is needed to open the food flap for any reason.

Red Boxes and spit hoods-

They are fabricating red boxes to fit HDSP food flaps as the ones from ESP will not work with our food flaps. They hope to have 10 red boxes produced in the very near future for use at HDSP with inmates who propel. All supervisors will be issued spit hoods so that incidents involving inmates where a spit hood is required will be able to apply the hood.

SC/O Mitchell Placard-

We raised the idea that a Placard should be ordered to pay respect to Ronald Mitchell. The EBC will purchase one to be placed at HDSP in memory of SC/O Mitchell.

Mandatory Overtime procedure-

The issues surrounding how the mandatory overtime list is maintained was addressed. The previous practice of moving officers to the bottom of the list who: are mandated, volunteer, or get mandated, then sent home, is still the way they intend to handle the list. There were several situations discussed where this hasn't happened. Lt. Ferber stated that if there are issues where this does not happen, staff should first talk to their supervisor and then contact him directly. If there are issues where the Kronos system is not operating properly he needs to know about it so that it can be fixed. He also needs to know of situations where supervisors are not properly handling the list, so that they can be informed of the proper procedure.

Shift Bid-

This agenda item was addressed the previous week by Director Daniels. This is happening statewide and will be in place for the upcoming shift bid.

40mm Launchers-

Staff were informed to keep the launchers unloaded due to negligent discharge. Warden Johnson was advised that the policy and training in place requires the launcher be loaded. Warden Johnson was not aware of this and agreed that the written policy will be followed. Launchers will be kept loaded in your posts while on duty. Gun rail launchers should not be loaded until just before posting on the roof. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE PULL THE TRIGGER TO CHECK THE LAUNCHER. They do realize that the multi launcher must have the trigger pulled to unwind the chamber. It goes without saying that the multi launcher must be unloaded first.

Units 1-8 food flaps-

We discussed the food flaps that are being manipulated by inmates due to no slide bolt or padlock. They agree that all food flaps should be secured with such devices. They will as possible add needed devices to the doors that do not have them. There are finance issues so they will do the best they can with what they have now.

Defensive Tactics and COVID-

This issue was addressed with Warden Johnson and he referred this to HR for clarification. We all know you can't follow COVID protocols and demonstrate DT's at the same time. We will wait to hear back on this issue.

Stab Vests-

They have requested stab vests and are anticipating the approval for staff to receive stab vest at HDSP.

COVID leave-

All requests for COVID administrative leave need to go through the EOC and your immediate supervisor. Do not contact Christina Leathers directly.


They have ordered 50 tasers for all SC/Os to check out and carry while on duty. They are still waiting for approval.

Checking out equipment and radios-

HDSP will be resuming an older policy of issuing staff “chits” with their PCN number on them which will be utilized to exchange for equipment, such as radios.This will assist with inventory control and ensure radios are available to all staff and not kept for personal use.

Admin staff requests-

We always bring issues to discuss with Warden Johnson and the Administration at HDSP. This time we asked them if they had any concerns that we could advise our brothers and sisters on to improve operations at HDSP. When inmates ask for grievances or grievance forms, make sure you give one to them. While they are correct, grievances are a constitutional right, I like to say it doesn't cost us anything but maybe an extra walk to their door. Anytime an inmate asks me for a grievance, i always say just spell my name right. SC/Os or C/Os who fill out the unit supply order form will soon be tasked with ordering forms for the unit. Make sure your units are supplied with necessary forms. Officers can resolve issues at the lowest level with inmates. If they ask you for a grievance, see if there is anything you can do to resolve it. Many times we can sort out issues that do not require a grievance or a supervisor. Always maintain security and follow security procedures. Close doors, lock locks, use the food flaps to retrieve food trays, and always know where your partners are. These are some of the simple things we can do that will help contain disturbance or limit the factors that we will deal with when the shit hits the fan. Do not take short cuts brothers and sisters. AW Bean made the statement, "I'd rather tell the administration that we did not complete tasks because we were following security protocols, than we had an incident because security protocols were not followed." I echo these sentiments. How many incidents have we had at HDSP due to leaving office doors open, popping doors to get trays, or not restraining inmates through the food flap? I do not want anyone to get hurt or disciplined just because we didn't make the effort or take the time to ensure security. We are all very capable individuals that can accomplish anything as a team. We are all a family like it or not, make the effort, take the steps, and lets all go home the same as we come to work. We are encouraged by Warden Johnson and Director Daniels message of improving this department and willingness to work with us to implement some of the great ideas that all of you put forward. Changing 20 years of poor management and bad culture will take time. Lets see where this all goes. Take care of each other and be safe.

President Lunkwitz

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