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Help the staffing crisis

Each and every one of you is a valuable resource! You can help all of your brothers and sisters, by talking to potential and former CO's who might want to come back to the NDOC. Here is what you can tell them: new hires will start around $57K a year, receive $7500 hiring bonus over the first year, COT's will auto progress to CO's at 6 months(15%raise), then receive a 5% raise at one year, uniform allowance in September and March of $1010 each, retention payments $500 every 3 months, double time and a half on holidays, shift differential for swing shift, top out base salary for officers by July 1, 2024 around $93K, and all the overtime they can work for the foreseeable future. Every officer hired is 2080 hours less mandatory overtime per year. All of this made possible by FOP, which all of our brothers and sisters should join based on what we have done and the protection we provide. Thank you all for your efforts and service! Be safe and take care of each other!

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Biased much?


Jun 30, 2023

Point of clarification, It's $1,000/year retention $500 every 6 mo., not 3 mo. the first two $500 payments were 3 mo. apart to "catch up".

Correct me if I'm wrong please, but I'm 99.99% sure.

Jun 30, 2023
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Wait, you only gave me a .01% chance of being right? Come on man… lmao! AB 268 is separate from the contract, so you may get that in addition to the $2,000.


Jun 29, 2023

We finally have a outlet to speak against the wrongful doings they have done to us officers, we are in the front line and in the field everyday and not behind a desk!!! Thank you FOP brothers!!!! THE FIGHT WON’T STOP AND WILL CONTINUE!!!!!

Jun 29, 2023
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Copy that thank you brother!


Jun 29, 2023

Thank you for doing all of this! I've been telling my friends that are looking for work to come work at the prisons. I'm looking forward to all the extra money! Thank you again!

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