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Monthly Lodge meeting

Our monthly Lodge meeting is this Saturday, December 10th, at 9 am. The agenda for this meeting is below. The zoom link is also attached.


DECEMBER 10, 2022   8AM 



A.  Opening of meeting 


      Call to Order


       Pledge of allegiance 


        Status Reports:


B.    Report by President Lunkwitz 


C.    Report by Vice-President Thompson 


D.    Report by Treasurer Whittaker


E.      Report by Secretary Prater


F.       Report by Sgt at Arms Stinehour 



We ask that you write down any questions or concerns you may have and hold them until the Open discussion portion of the meeting. That way we can get thru the mandatory reporting and informative portion of the meeting.  Everyone will be able to voice any concerns or questions during the Open Discussion portion of the meeting. This allows the meeting to flow without interruptions.   Thank You



(Sgt at Arms would be the person to Call to Order any member that is not following the rules )




1.     Status of Collective Bargaining

1b.    Confirm  ALL staff received a ballot from the State to vote,

Ask if anyone has not received a ballot

2.     Dues raised as of DEC 1st for January 2023 quarterly payment, due to Legal Defense going up and the new cost of collective bargaining recurring fees.

2b      ALL MEMBERS NEED TO LOGON to website and do a NEW STEP 2 for $42 before December 20th to avoid having a lapse in coverage for Legal Defense

2c    Determine if we win collective bargaining if we will be able to offer a Pay in full option and not have payroll deductions.   

2d   Determine if members will need to sign a payroll form for the state to start automatic deductions in FEBRUARY 2023.  Current payment method would be used for January and maybe February, depends on how long it takes NDOC to set up auto deductions and if we need eveyone to sign authorizations.

2e   Discuss the issue of delinquent members’ dues – we currently have 14 who are pass due for more than 2 months.  And a large number who have not paid December.

2f   Discuss Retirees membership dues – possible change to pay STEP 1 $75 instead of $80 ,  and then they pay HYLANT directly for Legal Defense


3.        Old Business:

Bonding  issue


4.        New business 


5.        Open discussion of all Topics 



Closing of meeting

Paul Lunkwitz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Saturday lodge meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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